Installing Client and Server Applications

In this section, we will discuss how to install and configure Astera Server and Lean Client applications.

How to install Astera Server

  1. Run ‘IntegrationServer.exe’ from the installation package to start the server installation setup.

  2. You’ll be directed to the welcome screen. Click Next to continue.

  1. On the next screen you will see the license agreement. You can only continue if you choose to accept the terms of the license agreement. Click Next to continue.

  1. On the next screen, enter the user details and click Next to continue.

  1. You can specify/change the folder for installing the Astera Data Stack server on the next screen. Click Next to continue.

Note: if you do not specify any location, it would by default be installed in <C:\ProgramFiles\Astera Software\Astera Integrations Server8>

  1. Select the type of installation (Complete or Custom) you want to proceed with and click Next.

  1. Select Install to complete the installation.

  1. Select Finish to finish the installation process.

How to install Astera Lean Client

  1. Run the ‘AsteraDataIntegrator’ application from the installation package to start the client installation setup.

  2. You’ll be directed to the welcome screen. Click Next to continue.

  1. On the next screen you will see the license agreement. You can only continue if you choose to accept the terms of the license agreement. Click Next to continue.

  1. On the next screen, enter the user details and click Next to continue.

  1. You can specify/change the folder for installing the Astera Data Stack server on the next screen. By default, it is installed in Program Files > Astera Software > Astera Data Integrator 8. Click Next to continue.

  1. Select the type of installation (Complete or Custom) you want to proceed with and click Next.

If you select custom installation, you can choose the specific component(s) that you want to download.

Since we want to install the complete package, select Complete on the Setup Type screen and click Next.

  1. Select Install to complete the installation.

  1. Select Finish to finish the installation process.

This is how you install the Astera Data Stack client and server applications.

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