Pattern Properties

In this document, we will discuss the usage and various properties of Patterns in a report model.

What is a Pattern?

A Pattern is a logic or rule based on which we define data regions. You can specify a pattern that Astera matches on the unstructured data file to capture data into a structured format. A pattern can be an alphabet, a character, a number, a word or a combination of these.


Specifying a Pattern

We specify a pattern in the pattern box right above Report Model designer.


Astera has built-in wild cards to facilitate region selection by specifying flexible patterns. These wildcards are found in the toolbar located at the top of the Report Model designer.


A short description of each wildcard is given below.


Pattern Box Context Menu

You can also access the wildcards and additional features for patterns in Astera by right-clicking on the pattern box.


A context menu opens with the following options available:


Pattern Properties Panel

The Pattern Properties panel allows users to specify and modify the properties of any pattern in a report model.

You can specify up to five patterns at a time in a report model by increasing the number of Pattern Count in the Region Properties group-box in the Pattern Properties panel.

Note: This option increases the number of patterns to capture lines within one particular data region.

You can learn more about how the Pattern Count works by clicking here.

The Apply Pattern to line option is useful when the specified pattern does not capture the first line of the desired data region. Simply put, when there is some information above the pattern keyword then we increase Apply Pattern to Line from 0.

You can learn more about how the Apply Pattern to Line option works by clicking here.

Let’s discuss the options available in the Pattern Properties group-box:

This concludes our discussion on the Pattern Properties panel in Report Models.

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