CopyFile (String sourceFilePath, String destFilePath, Boolean overWrite)


In this example, we are passing the required parameters to the function transformation object using a Variables object. We will be copying a “Test.txt” source file to a different destination file folder.


sourceFilePath = C:\Users\Kanwal.Azim\OneDrive - Astera Software\Desktop\Functions Documentation\Files\AppendTextToFile\Test.txt

destFilePath = C:\Users\Kanwal.Azim\OneDrive - Astera Software\Desktop\Functions Documentation\Files\CopyFile\Test3.txt

overWrite = False

Right-click on the function transformation object and select Preview Output. While the Data Preview will not generate an output. Upon opening destination file location, you can see that Astera Data Stack has copied the Test.txt file, with the specified name, Test3.txt.

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