Web Service Transformation

The Astera SOAP Transformation allows you to call a remote SOAP web service as part of dataflow. It is a set transformation that requires an input and has the return object structure of the call as output. All set transformation rules apply. Service calls that don’t take an input are not supported. Please be aware that even previews will make service calls as fast as possible, so it is very easy to abuse the service using Astera. Please take into consideration any usage limits or call throttling enacted on the service side.


Use the SOAP transformation to perform remote web service calls that use the SOAP protocol. This includes WCF services that expose WSDL. Only HTTP binding is currently supported.


To add a SOAP transformation, drag the SOAP Transformation object from the Services group in the Flow toolbox and drop it on the dataflow.

To configure the properties of a SOAP Transformation object after it was added to the dataflow, right-click on it and select Properties from the context menu. The following properties are available:

  1. WSDL File Location

    • File Path: This is the location of the WSDL file that contains the binding information for the web service. This can either be a file on disk or an http location.

    • Strict: This option will enforce validation of the WSDL before trying to use it. Due to some WSDL files being constructed incorrectly, but otherwise usable, this feature may be helpful.

  2. Call Properties

    • Service Call Type: The service you wish to interact with from within the given WSDL file. Typically each service will have two entries. One of them is typically suffixed with “12”. This indicates that it is using SOAP 1.2.

    • Operation: The actual method or call that this component will make.

  3. Security

    • Login Name: The login name to give to send along with the service call.

    • Password: The password sent along with the service all.

Note that the login and password uses basic authentication mechanisms when supplying the login name and password.

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