Region Properties Panel

What is a Data Region?

A Data Region is an area of data captured within your report. It can cover any number of lines in a source report. This area is defined by specifying a pattern.

Setting up a data region is one of the first steps in extracting data from a report. Data regions are the backbones of Report Models – they direct Astera on where to extract data from.

To support the selection of data regions, Astera contains a set of Region Properties.

Region Properties Options

  • Move All Field Markers Left One Character: This option moves all the field markers towards the left by one character.

  • Move All Field Markers Right One Character: This option moves all the field markers towards the right by one character.

  • Auto Create Fields: This option automatically creates the data fields.

  • Auto Determine Field Names: This option automatically determines the field names.

  • Region Name: Allows you to change the name of the data region.

  • Region Type: Tells the type of your region.

Region Details

The Region Details group box lets you further customize your data region.

Region End Type: With the options available in the drop-down list, you can specify where you want to end your data region. The options in this dropdown menu are as follows:

  • Line Count: Ends your region after a specified number of lines. It allows the user to vary the line count according to the requirement of the data region.

  • Blank Line: Ends your region where a blank line occurs.

  • Last Field Ends: Ends your region at the last data field within your data region.

  • Another Region Starts (100 Rows Max): Ends your first data region where the next data region begins. This is used for variable-length data regions.

  • Till Regular Expression: Ends your region when the specified regular expression occurs.

  • Till Specific Text: Ends your region when the specific text string occurs.

Note: The Line Count option appears dynamically, depending on which option is selected from the dropdown menu of Region End Type.

Overlapping Container: Used when there are multiple data regions with overlapping lines.

Container Region: Used when a data region contains a sub-region within its boundaries.

This is how you can define and modify Region Properties in a Report Model.

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