Astera 8.2 Release Notes

The April 2020 release of Astera is out and available for download. The new Astera 8.2 is shipped with some new features as well as improvements and bug fixes to existing features and functionalities.

Here’s a round-up of what’s new and improved in Astera 8.2.

What's New

REST API Browser (Beta)

One of the top highlights of Astera v8.2 is the beta release of the REST API Browser. This feature is a new addition to Astera client and enables users to make HTTP requests through a single-step authentication process, as compared to REST client which requires information and configuration every time you want to make a request. The new REST API client utilizes the shared connection functionality in a project which makes it possible to reuse the connection and authentication data across different flows.

Using the REST API Browser (beta), users can connect to open source and custom APIs and make various HTTP request through them using a single browser panel. To call an open-source API, you will need an Open API Specification file, whereas configuring a custom API requires Import Source, Name, and Base URL.

Once configured, the APIs are populated automatically inside the REST API Browser and will remain accessible until the authentication period expires. From the REST API Browser, you can simply drag and drop the REST API Clients and make different HTTP requests such as PUT, GET, POST, and DELETE in your flows.

This release of the REST API Browser is a beta offering which means that the functionality we are offering could change as we get user feedback on this feature. Should you have any suggestion or feedback, or come across a bug, please report to our Support site or email at

Read more on using the REST API Browser (Beta) in Astera in this document.

Language Parser

In v8.2 of Astera, we have enabled the language parser functionality in Expression Builder to perform advanced expression functions such as string interpolation and verbatim. The language parser code has been rewritten to support the dynamic parsing of parameters or values in an interpolated string during the runtime.

The new parser code now has better color coding and produces improved and more user-friendly parsing error messages during expression compilation. This will make it convenient for users to identify and resolve errors in expressions as they build it.

Read more about using the language parser functionality in Astera in this document.

Report Models Upgrade

Astera v8.2 brings a complete UI overhaul and a number of bug fixes in its Report Model functionality. The UI has been redesigned to present a fresh, new look while also simplifying navigation and improving user experience.

Here’s a summary of the improvements in the Report Model functionality:

UI Improvements

  • Compared to previous versions, we have now introduced dedicated properties panel for Report Options, and Region, Pattern and Field Properties.

  • Each of these panels has a dedicated toolbar with relevant shortcut icons, making it convenient for users to specify and configure properties of the various components of a Report Model such as data regions and fields, from within a single panel.

  • The main toolbar too now features shortcuts that facilitate users in creating report models.

New Options for Raw Data Cleansing

Raw data cleansing is an important part of the data extraction process which brings the extracted data into a presentable, easy-to-comprehend, enterprise-ready format. We have added a couple of new options to the ‘Remove’ options used for cleansing and scrubbing the extracted data in Report Models.

In addition to removing extra spaces inside the text, text qualifiers (surrounding quotes), and leading and trailing spaces, you can now remove all white spaces and punctuations from within the extracted data by simply checking the ‘All White Spaces’ and ‘Punctuations’ options under the ‘Remove’ section in the Field Properties panel.

These options can be applied to data irrespective of its type. This is because during extraction, the data in a field is read as text and the data cleanse options are applied to the text at that time. Once the data is cleansed, it can be converted into the appropriate data type.

Auto-Determine Field Names

While creating extraction templates for reports, you can now automatically determine field names using the Auto Determine Field Name option. Once you’ve specified a data region, add data fields, right-click on a data field and select Auto Determine Field Name from the context menu. This will automatically identify and update field names as they appear in the report.


Extended Support for PostgreSQL Repository

We have enabled support for PostgreSQL for creating cluster databases and server repository in Astera 8.2. You can now use a PostgreSQL database to store and manage the record of the server’s activity, including job logs, job queues, and schedules.

Read more about building a server repository on PostgreSQL in this document.

Connectivity for Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access works in Astera 8.2 (32-bit client and server) at both source and destination points, for .accdb and .mdb files. However, you will need to download and install an Access driver from Microsoft Office 2007. Here’s the download URL.

Miscellaneous Updates

  • Digest Authentication is not supported in Astera 8.2.

  • It is recommended to create a new folder to save the new integration project you create to use the REST API Browser to avoid any issues.

  • Detached objects are not supported in an interpolated expression in Config Params screen in the Expression Builder. This is because parameter execution takes place before initializing the detached actions. Therefore, if you’re using an interpolated expression in the Config Parameters screen, it will try to resolve the parameter first and since the detached action will not have been initialized by then, you will run into an error.

  • Dynamic Guide map does not map the source field to the destination field if you have the guide map already mapped to the field in the destination. In case of a fixed destination (that does not let user add a new field), we keep the guide map and then apply AutoMap on all other generated fields.

  • In some cases, when the HTTP code returns error 200, some errors will still be logged. This might be due to some data-type related issues when the layout is built by running the request.

  • The error message for REST API Client will only show the error message in the Job Progress window, not in the JSON stream. In order to view the JSON stream, please set the value of DisplayDiagnosticsInException in the dataflow XML as ‘true’.

  • Previewing data for REST API Client’s PUT, POST, or DELETE operations not only tests the connectivity to the endpoint but will run the request too.

  • Composite fields in Salesforce are shown as JSON stream in Astera 8.

  • To auto-create fields, at least two instances of region are required to discern any pattern.

Click here to download and upgrade to the latest Astera 8.2.

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