Astera 10.1 - Additional Notes

Functionality and Features of Astera Data Stack

API Publishing

Astera Data Stack lets users design an API flow, which opens with Request and Response objects already present in the flow. These can then be used in a pipeline to the application of the user.

A simple, configured API flow can look like this:

API Consumption

Note: API Consumption is not a new module, it is already present in Astera Data Stack, but it has also been integrated into Astera Data Stack.

When it comes to the Consumption of APIs, Astera lets users configure an API Connection, its corresponding API Client object, along with an API Browser to maintain various imported or custom API Collections.

Astera Data Stack also makes use of various HTTP methods for Consumption such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and PATCH.

More information related to HTTP Methods can be found here.

Apart from that, the product also offers Pagination functionalities, details for which can be found here.

Enhancements to API Consumption


  • Automated Read till End Options for Page Number, Offset-limit Paginations.

  • Cursor Pagination using body fields.

  • Pagination support added for POST Requests


  • OAuth2 token caching and auto-refresh.

New features of API Consumption

OAuth2 and E-Tag

  • OAuth 2 Grant Flow: Authorization Code with PKCE

  • E-tags for request caching and concurrency control

C-API Connectors

  • Create and manage Custom C-API Connectors

CAPI connectors library includes:

  • Zendesk Support

  • Zendesk Sales CRM

  • HubSpot CRM

  • Box API

Other New Features

  • Auto-redirect API calls.

  • Use of Default browser for authentication as an alternative to Embedded Browser.

  • Import postman API collection.

Server Browser Functionalities

The Server Browser in Astera Data Stack lets the user manage and publish APIs once they have been deployed.

A wide range of functionalities are offered in the deployment of APIs, including setting authentication and security functions.

Within the Server Browser, user roles can be assigned, and specific resources can be provided to each role, respective to their area of application. The Server Browser also has the feature to auto-generate a swagger Url.

API Monitoring and Logging

Once the APIs have been deployed, they can also be viewed in a dashboard present in Astera Data Stack.

Finally, users can also utilize Astera for logging and tracing.

Last updated

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